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Started by Chris Liu, Mar 20, 2013 02:22

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Chris Liu (1001)

You know Intercity is a great airline to fly for, but why let your fellow pilots miss out!? You can do a few quick and simple things to help us recruit new members and grow our thriving community:

• When you fly online, put our website address (www.ViaIntercity.com) in the flight plan comments.

• Also remember our ICAO identifier is ICX and callsign "Intercity". You add these remarks to your flightplan:

• If you post screenshots or video to the web which feature Intercity aircraft, pop our website address somewhere in your post

Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter

• If you regularly post on any flight sim related forums, why not place this small banner in your signature (don't forget to link it back to our website)?

Proud supporter of Intercity Airways, visit www.ViaIntercity.com

Here's the BB code:

[color=#686868][b][size=90]Proud supporter of Intercity Airways, visit [url=http://www.viaintercity.com]www.ViaIntercity.com[/url][/size][/b][/color]

Keith Giannoni (1101)

Hi Chris,

When flying on IVAO recently, the EDDL and Bremen radar  ATCOs advised that my call sign was showing as 'Intex' on the  system. I am not an ATCO so don't know what they was looking at. I take it our on line call sign is still .intercity'?


Chris Liu (1001)

Yes, Intercity is still the correct callsign.

The ATCOs said Intex because ICX was used in reality by International Cargo Xpress (callsign Intex) between 1989 and 1994 (when they ceased operations). I don't think IVAO will update the information on IVAC until we officially register with them, but that requires 50 of our pilots regularly flying on their network, which is still some time away.

In the meantime, I recommend you add the OPR\INTERCITY remark to your flightplan, which is official ICAO practice. Fortunately, Intex and Intercity sound somewhat similar over the radio anyway, although I accept it's not an ideal compromise.

Keith Giannoni (1101)

Thanks for the reply. It now makes sense. I have noted my FPs with out call sign. In truth it isn't a hardship to use Intex when ATC use it. 


Petr Witt (1124)

Hey, captains!

My fifty cents, as a member of Bohemia Airlines (BHA), I am constantly recognized as a Budha Air flight (BHA), eventhough I have my flightplan updated with OPR/ or CALLSIGN/... Sometimes it helps to advise the ATC, however sometimes they are like deaf (depending where you're flying) :o .

Remarks - any chance for Intercity to get officially involved into the IVAO? That would be of great help!
Best regards,

Chris Liu (1001)

Hello Petr, welcome aboard  :)

I want register Intercity with IVAO but cannot do so until their very strict entry requirements are met. Some of these are:

  • VAs are required to log per week at least Nº of users X 2 hours = Required hours. It does not mean each user must fly 2 hours, it means the total of hours flown by the company must be calculated with this formula. [Basically an airline with 100 pilots must record 200 hours flying EVERY WEEK! i.e. on average, each pilot must log two hours each week!]
  • To become a VA affiliated with IVAO™, the company must have at least 10 IVAO active users, and you have to send an email to the email account advised in the Virtual Airlines pages requesting become active in the system.
  • You can see a full list of requirements at http://ivao.aero/rulregs/va-r-r.asp
It will take considerable time for Intercity to meet the above requirements as most of our pilots fly offline or on VATSIM. Additionally, many of our members have only limited time available for flying, so it's very difficult for us to average 2 hours per week per pilot (I can't actually think of any sizeable virtual airline that actually meets that requirement but apparently all these airlines do :-\ http://www.ivao.aero/vasystem/list.asp).

Ryan Moore (1306)

Regarding the calsign, when flying on IVAO placing CS/INTERCITY in the remarks will override any callsign and on the ATC software they will see INTERCITY.

Chris Liu (1001)

Thanks for that information Ryan, I've added it to the top of page