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Today is the day I take my first ever flight online!

Started by Dean Farley, Aug 03, 2014 11:19

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Dean Farley (1176)

Hi all,

I've been flying sims for years but have yet to experience the joys or the horrors of online flying :P   I've used programs like Radar Contact for my ATC for years and it's served me very well, but I now think it's time for the next step, VATSIM.

Over the last few days I have read all the pilot documentation on vatsim and have also browsed Youtube for various videos about Vatsim and I now feel that I am as prepared as I can be.  I had to get my Vatsim ID re activated as I have had the ID since 2002 but never used it :(

I think I'm all set for a flight this afternoon,  Going to fly from EDDL to EGLC in the Q400.  I know that EGLC has a steep approach but I'm confident in my hand flying abilities of the Q400 now.  I have all the charts I need courtesy of aivlasofts electronic flight bag, it also had a very neat feature I've never used that tells you what ATC is online on your route and what frequency's to expect to tune to.  Going to use the Vpilot software to connect to the network as it's really simple to set up and got me online to do a mic test straight away.

The odd thing is I actually feel nervous and excited at the same time lol.  Just need to take a deep breath, key up the mic and ask for that first ever IFR clearance, Once that's done I'm sure I'll be on my way.

One very quick question,  It says when no ATC is online for the region I'm flying in, I should use unicom to inform others what my intentions are.  Are those intentions done over the mic on the unicom freq? or are they done Via text?

Chris Liu (1001)

On vatsim it's via text on 122.800 MHz. Enjoy your flight, look out for fellow ICXers!

Chris Hulme (1003)

VATSIMs great, I found that for my first few flights I was nervous and a bit jittery, but once you've done a few flights you'll have no problems. I always fly VATSIM now even if there's no ATC its great!

If your using VPilot, Id recommend downloading the IVAO MTL (Google it) and using that as your traffic model matching, so that other aircraft show up in correct livery and not just as the default A321!

Chris Hulme (1003)

If you get stuck with Model Matching "Belynz" on YouTube has this video which shows how it can be done


Dean Farley (1176)

Thanks for the advice guys,

I've googled for the IVAO MTL but it seems to be part of the IVAP client for flying on IVAO,  there is no download link without creating an account with IVAO.  Will it cause problems if I don't use it?

Chris Hulme (1003)

No, not at all just the other aircraft will show as the default A321

Dean Farley (1176)

Well first flight down.  Unfortunately I only had ATC at the tower at EGLC but it was all very well done.  The landing was a little hard :P  hands were not as steady as I was trying hard to concentrate on what to say hehe.  Had good fun though.

Even the parts with no ATC, just seeing the Unicom chatter was interesting.  One pilot even had a near miss because someone entered the runway at EGLL without using unicom to report his position.

Well I have to say I can really see why flying online is so addicting,  It really adds a whole new dimension to flight siming.  I just wish it had not taken me so long to pluck up the courage to try it.   I was also using fs2crew in the Q400 to try and lighten the workload of the aircraft, but having to talk to ATC and the copilot made it more of an effort hehe.  I'm sure it will all get easier the more I practice with online.  I can't ever see me flying offline again.