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Schedule suggestions

Started by Michal Rzecznik, Sep 11, 2014 23:31

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Michal Rzecznik (1127)

I can't find topic like this.

EGCC-EGPH 01:10h or even 01:15h is too much (for eg. EGGP-EGPH is 00:55h)

I had 10 min delay at dep (waited for clearance for taxi) and yet arrived 13 min before :P

Chris Liu (1001)

Thanks for mentioning this; scheduling is an intensive process, I've manually scheduled all 960ish flights and occasionally errors to do creep in! I calculate the flight durations in a specialist program as it generally gives realistic blocks off/on times, but obviously it's not going to be perfect for every single route and aircraft combination. Also, some turnarounds and flights are deliberately longer to give some slack in the schedule to absorb delays.

I can correct the flight duration but then the turnaround time will be too long, so I'll probably have to adjust it as part of the Autumn schedules. In the case of Manchester I think extra time is added to account for the congested airspace, and sometimes lengthy taxying and routing.

If you think you are going to arrive early you can reduce speed to 210 KIAS and save some fuel  :) Providing you're not looking at a sea of orange or red in your logbook (your logbook is nice and green :D ) then you're not doing badly! Most pilots moan I don't give them enough duration to complete the flight on time!

You can find out more about how I schedule flights by clicking this lovely blue text