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Freeware Intercity Aircraft

Started by Paul Biderman, Dec 16, 2014 12:55

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Paul Biderman

Hi all.  When I was looking at this VA and deciding if I wanted to join a big reason why I did was because on the aircraft fleet page under Operations it says we can use the Project Airbus A320.  But once I got signed up and logged in and went to the download page that aircraft is not available?  I've spent plenty of money on FSX payware.  I'm not going to buy a plane just to fly for a VA.  So is there a freeware aircraft of any model we can use?

Chris Liu (1001)

Sorry it's laxness on my part! I've been meaning to paint the freeware Project Airbus A320 but I'm moving house at the moment so I just haven't had the time. Hopefully I'll get a few hours spare over Christmas to do it. I appreciate this situation is not ideal, but until I can get the repaint done would you mind using the Airbus factory colours on the PA A320?

As you may already know, we have the freeware Dreamwings Q400 all painted up as part of a free package that includes a panel, and this aircraft type operates more than half of all our scheduled flights.

As regards the Jetstream 41 I can't find any suitable freeware models  :(

Chris Liu (1001)

A quick update. I dug through my files tonight and found I'd already started painting the PA A320 (I don't remember that but apparently I did!) so I rattled off what was left to do in about 3.5 hours.

Unfortunately, I cannot get the thing to load in FSX to test it, there must be some kind of aircraft.cfg problem but I've run out of time to try and sort it. If you're technically minded Paul, I can e-mail you the texture files in a zip and you can try to get them working on your system, as I won't have the time to try again for a few days.

Paul Biderman

Thanks for your response and efforts.  I've painted a few planes over the year and have a pretty good understanding of FSX files.  Go ahead and email the plane to me when you have time and I'll take a look at it.

Thanks!  :)

Chris Liu (1001)

I've sent a zip across the e-mail you registered with, it's just under 10 mb so I'm hoping it won't bounce

Paul Biderman

I received the file, fixed it, and sent it back to you.  Looks good in FSX!  :)

Chris Liu (1001)

Thanks for your help Paul! Sorry it wasn't ready when you first registered, I think I forgot about it to be honest  :o