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SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for DHC-8-402Q

Started by Chris Liu, Mar 04, 2013 11:14

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Chris Liu (1001)

For non-aircraft specific SOP, please click here
Intercity Airways operating procedures are as outlined by the CAA, EASA, ICAO and airframe manufacturer documentation (such as the AOM, FCOM and FCTM), as applicable. On this page we only set out procedures that deviates from these sources or areas which they do not cover.

• Seats 71 passengers (Y64@31" 4 abreast and J7@34" 3 abreast) and 4 crew (2 flight crew and 2 cabin crew). The Dry Operating Weight (DOW/DOM) is 18000 kg in this configuration.

• HGS/HUD is not fitted, CAT II only. ICAO equipment (item 10) SDE2E3FGRY/S, PBN/B2B3B4O2O3D2D3

• Typically plan for trip fuel plus 1500 kg. Final reserve is 450 kg and below this you must declare an emergency; PIC may add a larger reserve if they anticipate extended holding or nominate a distant alternate.

• Use of APU is only permitted when TAT exceeds 18'c or GPU is unavailable. Keep run time to a minimum, remembering to allow 1 minute warm up after becoming available, and 1 minute cool down after turning bleed/generator off.

Engine start is done on stand with GPU assistance for the first engine, and the second can be started during pushback or taxi. If GPU is unavailable then APU should assist the start, battery starting is a last resort.

• If the anticipated taxi to the runway exceeds 5 minutes, a single engine taxi will be performed and the other engine started within 2 minutes of the runway (4 minutes if OAT <5'c). Do not single engine taxi on contaminated taxiways or when wind >12 kts.

Engine intake bypass doors should be open for ground operations and during takeoff and landing, as well as when ice is detected.

Takeoff is always bleeds off; Flaps 5 and Reduced Torque Takeoff (RTOP) 81% on dry runways in excess of 2000m/6500ft length. Flaps 10 and NTOP for shorter or contaminated runways, or taking off with a tailwind 5+ kts or in to suspected windshear.

• Climb After takeoff, pitch for V2+20 (Vclimb, set this on the hollow triangle bug. VFRI on the solid triangle bug above) until acceleration altitude (1500 ft AGL) and then bleeds on and accelerate to 185 knots, retracting the flaps on schedule (Bombardier Type II profile). Passing FL100, select MCL 900 rpm and accelerate to 210 kts (Bombardier Type I profile) for each 1000ft above FL150 reduce speed by 5 kts.

• Cruise and descend at 850 rpm and Vmo-20, this gives 900 kg/hr (roughly 87% NL). Vmo-10 will give you a fuel burn of around 1000 kg/hr but you may only use this profile if you are behind schedule. If you have a strong tail wind, you can cruise at about 210 kias, Vmo-40, about 84% NL). You should cruise at FL210-250 on almost all flights.

• High speed approach at busier airfields is required. Maintain 210 kias until 8 miles; flaps 5 and 185 kias until 6 miles; fully configured with landing flap before 4 miles. Reduced NP Landing (RDC Np LDG) should be used unless conditions are turbulent. For steep approach you must be flaps 35, props 1020 rpm and flight director off when joining the glidepath.

• Land Flaps 15 unless LDA <1800m/6000ft or steep approach, then use Flap 35. The aircraft is a lot harder to handle at Flaps 35 and much more sensitive to power changes. If landing Flaps 35, do not cut power during the flare as this causes rapid decay of airspeed and subsequent heavy touchdown, because of a reduction in propeller wash over the wing.

After landing, a single engine taxi will be performed once the engine has had 2 minutes in feather to cool down (NB: This is twice the minimum time advised in the AOM to prolong engine longevity), unless the taxiway is contaminated or when wind >12 kts. Shutting down on stand only requires 30 seconds in feather.

• Boarding and disembarkation is done using integral airstairs on doors L1 and L2 simultaneously for expediency.

For steep approach advice click here

For non-aircraft specific SOP, please click here