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FS2Crew Q400 is coming!

Started by Chris Liu, Jan 03, 2014 16:00

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Chris Liu (1001)

Good news! Bryan York confirmed yesterday he is now developing FS2Crew for the Majestic Q400  :D And all Intercity pilots should be eligible for a 30% discount when it's released!
QuoteI've decided to do the MJC Dash 8 Q400. I've already tested it, and I'm able to integrate FS2Crew directly.  There's no formal SDK, but it makes no difference as I can still control everything directly using XML vars like I did with the Aerosoft Airbus.

Now it's just a matter of finding a real-world pilot and modelling out his SOPs and turning that into code.

ETA:  I won't speculate.  It depends how fast I can source my real world pilot.

Steve Prowse (1046)

Thanks for the heads up Chris, looking forward to its release......more money... :)


Steve (1046)

Bill Ant (1076)

Just saw this!!!!!   

FS2Crew for Q400 !!!!!!!   Yeah  :) :) :)

Can't wait!

Visit my Flight Sim Blog! http://deskpilot518.blogspot.com/

Chris Liu (1001)

QuoteSign up for the FS2Crew 'Voice Control' Majestic Dash 8 Newsletter for your chance to win one of five copies to be given a way on release day! I won't given an ETA, but it'll be sooner rather than later.  The code is nearing completion!

Click the link below to sign up!


Chris Liu (1001)

Bryan of FS2Crew dropped me this message, which I am passing on to everyone here at Intercity:
QuoteFS2Crew will be releasing its new Voice Control MJC8 Q400 Edition by the end of the month in all likelihood.[/size][/size]We need a couple more beta testers who are real experts in the Dash 8 who:[/size][/size]1. Can fly at least 3 hours a day.[/size]2. Are experienced beta testers.[/size] [/size][/size]If that's you, please contact me via the Contact Page on the FS2Crew website:[/size]http://www.fs2crew.com/cart/pages/Contact-Us.html

Chris Liu (1001)

Release date confirmed, 28th March 2014, voice edition only. Bryan has said he may do a button control version at a later date.

Sean Donno (1110)