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Majestic Q400 thoughts

Started by Bill Ant, Dec 08, 2013 15:18

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Bill Ant (1076)

Hello Everyone,

Just had a few thoughts about the q400!   Majestic will hopefully put out the pro version soon.
I will buy it for the Heads up display alone!   Link below to an actual q400 Heads up display used on approach.

Still, the Pro version will come with a shared cockpit feature!   So would anyone be up for sharing a flight or two?  :)

It would be great to fly on Vatsim (I will take FO seat) as I don't have any current Vatsim experience and I am not proficient at ATC.   But for my part, I hope to be able to record video by then and could put our whole flight on YouTube!  Whether on Vatsim or not, it would be great to try out the shared cockpit feature.   Unfortunately I am in the US, on the East Coast so there could be a time difference problem.  But that could be worked out!

Also, Airline2sim is supposed to be coming out with Q400 training.  If Intercity could obtain some type of discount that would be great.   I have not heard anything yet as to how expensive it will be.


Ps.  I was surprised to find a Q400 iPhone app and thought I would mention it!
Visit my Flight Sim Blog! http://deskpilot518.blogspot.com/

Chris Liu (1001)

I'm certainly up for some shared cockpit flights, although I probably won't buy the Q400 Pro immediately on its release and I need to ensure I am proficient with multicrew operation of it before I start teaching others! The biggest issue for me is that my availability is very unpredictable and GMT is 5 hours ahead of EST.

I am going to post some VATSIM tutorials up soon (we need that to get official partner status with VATSIM Germany). I will see if I can negotiate a cheeky 10% discount off Airline2Sim when it's released, but I can't promise anything.

Bill Ant (1076)

Awesome!  Yes, the time difference is a problem, but me schedule is pretty flexible on the weekends.  So I am sure something could be worked out.   Still, this wouldn't be for a while and I don't like buying anything when it first comes out either (Bugs!)

My guess is that it would help if both parties had a copy of the same checklist, and then just have fun with it!  :)

The vatsim tutorials would be great !  I plan to get VOXATC, ( maybe next month) to start learning how to communicate with ATC.   Then hopeful transition to some Vatsim flights.

Visit my Flight Sim Blog! http://deskpilot518.blogspot.com/

Benjamin Hall (1007)

I would be up for that. Although I am probably far more proficient at ATC than at flying the Q400 I still have some absolute shockers!! :o

Chris Liu (1001)

They don't call it the Crash 8 for nothing! I'm being treated to a new joystick this Christmas, and I am hoping that will improve my landings. I think the trick is to stay on top of the trim during the approach, which isn't easy with my MS Sidewinder Precision Pro 2 as the trim-up button has been intermittent for some time!

Update: The v1.08 update has just been released by Majestic, full details on our news page

Bill Ant (1076)

The Q400 can be a tough bird to land!   :-\
I found that correcting for crosswinds is my biggest problem.
Some airports tend to be worse.  For example, there always appears to be a strong crosswind from the right, if you land at one of EHAMS 18 RWs!    :o
I guess due to wind coming off the channel?
But it creates some tense moments!  Thats for sure!
Landing at EGBB, there never appears to be a strong crosswind and I have less trouble.

Still, I would say the Q400 is tough.    But if you want really tough, try the A2A B377!!!
Even with no wind, that is one tough plane to land!!!
Visit my Flight Sim Blog! http://deskpilot518.blogspot.com/

Chris Liu (1001)

Bill Ant (1076)

Thanks !  This will be very helpful!  :D
Visit my Flight Sim Blog! http://deskpilot518.blogspot.com/

Chris Liu (1001)

Majestic have uploaded a guide to landing the Q400, written by a real Q400 pilot. http://majesticsoftware.com/mjc8q400/resources/LandingTheQ400.pdf

Jim Parish (1045)

 8) Well, that is some tutorial!  Good stuff there.  I had discovered (quite by accident, not by piloting skill) that the powered on aircraft carrier type of a landing (over simplifying I know   :) )works rather well for this little beast.  It is a joy to fly indeed.  Thanks for the tip Chris.