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Aivlasoft EFB

Started by Steve Prowse, Feb 18, 2014 12:52

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Steve Prowse (1046)

Sorry if this is old news to some,  but I've just seen on Aivlasoft web page that they now have the Q400 checklist....just imported it, looks good to me....here is the link http://www.aivlasoft.com/download/checklists.html.  Anyhow I wait for the boss to pass his critical eye over it :-\ 

Chris Liu (1001)

The Q400 PDF checklists Aivlasoft uploaded are copied wholesale from Majestic's documentation, so naturally they're okay  :) I can't check how it works in their EFB as I don't have it.

It's interesting you should mention Aivlasoft, has anyone here used their EFB? I'm looking at adding them as a partner (and getting some discounts ;) ), but I don't know much about their EFB software; if their products aren't good there's no point me bothering (I don't want to associate Intercity's name with bad products).

Ian Robson (1114)

Hi Chris,

I use their EFB product every time I fly IFR, and wouldn't consider flying without it to be honest. It really is that good (in my opinion).

Chris Liu (1001)

I best start grovelling to them then!  :D

Graham Woodley (1054)

I've also been using it for a few months now also its also a part of every IFR pre-flight fpr me. Very good add-on but it doesn't always have accurate and correct approach charts come up.

Probably me doing something wrong - I havn't worked out what yet  :P

It has a demo version you can try first, and it requires a Navigraph subscription if you want to keep its AIRAC up to date.

I think it's generally rated pretty highly in the FS community at large judging by other forums I seen.

Ian Robson (1114)

Hi Graham,

You are spot on regarding the charts as they are 'manufactured' by EFB from the NavData so they aren't as good as the proper charts, but they usually have enough data on them to do the job. Proper charts should, 'of course', always be carried  ;)

I find EFB provides me with excellent situational awareness, as well as providing a reasonable indication of when to descend and at what rate to achieve restrictions. This isn't full VNAV, and there is no A/P control, but it allows you to make informed decisions about your descent.

Chris Liu (1001)

Quote from: Ian Robson on Feb 18, 2014 21:48
As well as providing a reasonable indication of when to descend and at what rate to achieve restrictions. This isn't full VNAV, and there is no A/P control, but it allows you to make informed decisions about your descent.
Sounds just like Honeywell's GNS-XLS in the J41

Steve Prowse (1046)

Well I've been using this exceptional add on since March 2010 and I can say I've never had any problems with it and I mean never!   It is slick, easy to use and has a highly professional feel to it.  I too never sim without it.  But hey Chris don't take our word for it give a full trial for 30 days........You'll be impressed I'm sure; it is my must have addon.  My other must have/use now is SIMBRIEF I thought from the beginning this too would be excellent and indeed it is!

The pity is I'm going to miss out on some discount yet again :'(

Graham Woodley (1054)

Thanks Ian, yes that makes sense about the approach charts.

I would add to what I said before I like the way it displays either AI or online traffic, and the top down ground view is invaluable when taxying.

It's worth having it up on a second monitor then you can see it always during the flight.

Steve Prowse (1046)

Me too Graham two monitors; what do you think of the EFB checklist?

Ian Robson (1114)

Quote from: Steve Prowse on Feb 19, 2014 12:52
what do you think of the EFB checklist?

I must admit that I don't use that functionality.

Graham Woodley (1054)

Must admit I havn't tried the checklist function yet. I'll d/l that checklist and try it over the weekend.

I also keep meaning see if I can add a profile for the Q400 - it only has a GA and a jet one as standard if I recall correctly - not sure what the profiles are for - maybe just for the TOD calc.

Might have to resort to reading the manual to see how to do that.

Graham Woodley (1054)

Oh I see, you add the checklist and it adds the Aircraft to the menu.

Well at first and quick glance that EFB Q-400 checklist seems to be lacking a few things. No Posn light, set of Vspeeds / baro, cws test, comms, radar or TCAS test. On pre departure lists.

Steve Prowse (1046)

Cheers Graham, if you want to change or add to a checklist there is an editor found on the system tab on the display unit. 

All the best

Steve Prowse (1046)

Hey Chris,
Any news about discounts from Aivla yet?  It really is well worth the money.

