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Script Error when starting ACARS

Started by Graham Woodley, Sep 12, 2014 18:52

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Graham Woodley (1054)

I'm getting a script error when ACARS starts;

Line: 72
Char: 13
Error: Expected Identifier, string or number
Code: 0
URL: http://www.simbrief.com/home/

Click to continue twice and ACARS seems to run OK.

Michal Rzecznik (1127)

Graham Bannister (1171)

I've been getting it too the last few days. Bust as you say clicking twice clears it and it seems ok after that.

Chris Hulme (1003)

Must be to do with the sim brief intergrated flightplan will have a look tomorrow as away from home this evening.

Chris Hulme (1003)

I have released an update which temporarily removes the SimBrief feature whilst I get it working again!

Chris Hulme (1003)

Fixed the issue and re uploaded, if you have updated ACARS today (13th Sep 2014) please do a manual update by going to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intercity ACARS\update.exe"