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Red Flight time query [Solved]

Started by Clive Gulliver, Jun 17, 2016 08:15

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Clive Gulliver (1344)

Just a small question. I just did a flight from EGAC to EGLC. Departure was bang on time according to my logbook and the arrival was 0.6 hour later than scheduled, earning me a red bar. The flight went normally and I assume the "late" landing was the result of the new extended Jacko/Lavno arrival which takes a very roundabout route to RW27. So i just wanted to ask: have you taken these new extended arrivals into account when calculating the normal flight time? I know it's just a trivial thing and I'm sure the red bar means nothing, but you know, I have my self-respect...

Chris Liu (1001)

We became aware of the new extended STARs in to EGLC during February but unfortunately haven't been update the schedules yet. In reality you often get granted a "route direct" shortcut. Don't worry too much about the red bar, you did the best anyone could  :)

The truth is I've simply not yet had the chance to add time into the schedules because it's quite a large undertaking affecting at least 28 different aircraft duties, and they all have to be changed at once (we can't update them bit by bit because one schedule affects another and scheduling at LCY is a nightmare with all the time and parking restrictions).

Clive Gulliver (1344)

OK, thanks Chris. No worries, I'll give myself a shortcut next time (it takes too long now anyway). :D

Chris Liu (1001)

Good news, I now have the bulk of 288 flights and 31 duties fixed! I still have a little more work to do, so it's not live yet (you'll see a news article when this is done). I've typically added about 10 minutes duration to most London City inbound flights.

Bad news is, Sion will only be on the winter schedules in future!