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New EGLC charts

Started by Clive Gulliver, Feb 15, 2016 03:00

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Clive Gulliver (1344)

For any like me who didn't know already, EGLC has a whole new set of arrival and departure charts replacing Alkin including Jacko arrivals from the NW, Godlu arrivals from the E, S and SW, and Lavno and Godlu transitions from the NE and SW respectively. There are also Ekniv departures which take you to a point just north of DET. I had to figure it all out while in the cruise from EGPF but managed a successful, if firm, landing on 27, and even had my engine shutdown registered by ACARS this time.  :D What more could you ask.

Chris Hulme (1003)

Glad ACARS is working and registered your On Blocks!
Spotted the STAR change myself when attempting to do a virus of EGLC, went to input a STAR and was like WTF! Quick check of the UK AIP and spotte they have indeed updated them!
Seems they have made the arrival longer by sending you out over the channel before turning towards EGLC!

Clive Gulliver (1344)

Yes, the arrivals from the west and southwest take you on a long loop not just around Greater London but around the whole of SE England. I hope the RW pilots get a bit of track shortening from time to time.

Chris Liu (1001)

They best give shortcuts otherwise it'll mess my scheduling right up!