Intercity Airways Discussion Forums

Intercity Discussion Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Calvin Waterbury on Nov 09, 2015 08:23

Title: Can't Make it Work in Time.
Post by: Calvin Waterbury on Nov 09, 2015 08:23

I have been reading/downloading/configuring for the last 12-ish hours to try and get a flight in before my time runs out.  Once I finally had all the ducks in a row, FSX-SE CTD'd on me.  My reason for not getting this done sooner is I have been ill for the last four weeks with debilitating headaches when using a computer monitor screen.

Given today was my last day to qualify as a pilot I tried my best to make it all work.  I am exhausted trying to work with my headaches.  If VI VA chooses to release me and try again later I will have no hard feelings, but if the exec staff decides to let me remain I will be grateful and will try to get a flight in as soon as I can.

Fair winds,
Calvin Waterbury
Title: Re: Can't Make it Work in Time.
Post by: Chris Liu on Nov 09, 2015 09:48
Hello Calvin,

Thanks for getting in touch and sorry to hear you've had some issues. We'll add two weeks to the timer, which should give you until Monday 23rd November to log a flight. If the system removes you after that date, feel free to reapply to at any time (please note should you need to reapply you will be issued with a new four digit Crew ID).

FSX can be cruel and unpredictable at times, we've all been there and I can appreciate how frustrated you must feel. Intercity ACARS will let you resume an incomplete flight (such as when FSX crashes), you just need to do is place your aircraft within 40 miles of your last known position (this works best with an autosave addon set to 4-5 minute intervals).