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First flight and remarks

Started by Gert Visser, May 21, 2023 12:53

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Gert Visser (1391)

Hi all and management,
After some two years of absence, absolved my first ICX flight with the ATR42-600. It is a plane getting used to. On approach, the handling is really docile. But managing the FMC is quite a handful, due (among others) to the absence of a POH. Switching from lnav to an ils is not automatic, and thats a thing getting used to in a busy flight phase. I am trying to make a check list, and will forward it to management to help others operating the plane. I have to do some more line training to get as proficient as I was on the venerable Q400. But overall, the ATR is quite enjoyable.


Chris Liu (1001)


This video series is the closest thing to a PoH/FCTM at the moment. I'm probably going to write up an FAQ later for some common issues.

Gert Visser (1391)

Hi  Chris, I know the vids, but anyway thank You. I gather they were made before the update??