Intercity Airways Discussion Forums

Intercity Discussion Forums => ACARS => Topic started by: Justin Friedland on Jun 17, 2014 18:28

Title: How can I get rid of an "Incomplete Flight?"
Post by: Justin Friedland on Jun 17, 2014 18:28
Did a flight 11 June from EGLC to LFRB in the JS41 (ICX 39).  All went fine, landed, taxied, and then could not file the report.  In fact, I was told it was and "incomplete flight" and my last position was at 330 feet on a heading of 141 degrees, and LAT and LONG of xxx xxxx xxxx, and I could finish the flight by putting my aircraft in exactly that position (what speed?) and landing.

At this point, I'd be happy to move on, but ACARS won't let me.  Is there any way to say "I don't care" and start over with another flight?  This is the first problem I've had with ACARS in either the JS41 or the Dash, and I probably did something wrong at the start of the flight.  (As I remember, I started the engines, then realized I wanted to use ACARS, so I shut them down, started ACARS, then relit the beasts.  Maybe the program read a high EGT, even though I got clean starts on both engines, and said "sod off."

Anyway, is there a mechanism for erasing the incomplete flight and starting fresh?


Justin Friedland
Title: Re: How can I get rid of an "Incomplete Flight?"
Post by: Chris Liu on Jun 17, 2014 20:58
Sorry you experienced this problem; if you find ACARS won't let you submit your report for a completed flight, please drop us an e-mail or message on the forums and ask us to manually submit/recover the lost report for you (this is exactly what we've done on this occasion, ICX39 is now in your logbook  :) ).

Please note that if you begin a new flight before we submit your "lost" one, this will wipe out all the records we have of your previous flight and we can no longer recover the data and submit the report.

If an incomplete flight found when ACARS is started the "Flight Resume" button is displayed on the Flight Select screen, clicking it will let you continue that flight. However, should you wish to say "you don't care" then simply ignore this and select and begin a flight as normal (as mentioned above, doing this will remove the data of that previously uncompleted flight, so you won't be able to resume it any more)

Title: Re: How can I get rid of an "Incomplete Flight?"
Post by: Justin Friedland on Jun 17, 2014 23:58

Thanks as always for the quick answer and the quick fix.
