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Acars stuck in "updating loop" [Solved]

Started by Gerald Plotts, Apr 20, 2017 17:37

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Gerald Plotts (1443)

I let it run for about 5 minutes, but it just continues to loop. Only way out was with task manager. Also just did an uninstall, and fresh download, but it continues to loop. Can't fly until it finishes the update!
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Chris Liu (1001)

We haven't updated the version to download from the website yet. For now, can you try running Intercity ACARS and update.exe as Administrator?

Chris Hulme (1003)

I've re uploaded the acars update, and tested at my end and seems to be OK, give it a go as admin and see how you get on. If not I will update the installer and upload that!

Gerald Plotts (1443)

Chris, that fixed it. Great work and thanks for the quick response!
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Sean Donno (1110)

I had the same problem just now!

Win 10 user, so opened and ran ACARS as Admin and working fine  :)

Gerald Plotts (1443)

Windows 10 always "thinks" it knows what is best for you. :P   I guess Microsoft still doesn't understand this world of flight! 8)
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